Vista Grande

Vista Grande by Masonite


Released in June 2014, the Vista Grande collection by Masonite is one of our favourite new collections. It’s simplicity creates a modern and elegant look. It is especially beautiful when used to show off outdoor views.

Bring the
Outdoors In

Styles Available

[x_icon_list class=”mvn”][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Clear Glass[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Textured Glass[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]SDL[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Internal Grids[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Craftsman Style[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Mini Blinds[/x_icon_list_item][x_icon_list_item type=”check”]Centennial Glass[/x_icon_list_item][/x_icon_list]
Clear Glass
[x_text]Brighten up spaces with the Vista Grade clear glass option. With up to 18% wider viewing area over traditional glass inserts, it is easier than ever to let the outdoors in.[/x_text]
Textured Glass
[x_text]VistaGrande textured glass options harness the beauty of natural light without sacrificing privacy. Available in Chord, Pear and Satin Etch glass, these dynamic textures add visual interest to any room.[/x_text]

SDL Options
[x_text]There are many SDL options available that allow you the ability to create a distinct glass design that complements your space.[/x_text]

Internal Grids
[x_text]Add internal grids to VistaGrande clear glass options for a seamless, custom appearance. Available in a comprehensive assortment of design styles and colours, it is easy to achieve your desired look.[/x_text]
Craftsman Style
[x_text]Capture the beauty of Craftsman architecture with VistaGrande SDL and integral grids that evoke the clean lines of this time-honoured design movement.[/x_text]
Talk to one of our Sales Representatives today for more info!
Merge the Indoors and Outdoors

[x_text]Brighten up spaces with VistaGrande doors. VistaGrande offers a wider viewing area and cleaner appearance over traditional glass inserts, while also being versatile with the various customization options.[/x_text]

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